tEACH, the teaching committee of the European Association of Communication in Health Care (EACH) chaired by Jonathan Silverman and Marcy Rosenbaum includes communication teachers from 21 European countries coming from different health care professions.
The core curriculum subgroup within tEACH has developed objectives for an inter-professional core communication curriculum that could be used in undergraduate education in different health care professions. The curriculum already has high acceptance within the tEACH group.
Now, in order to gain a broader consensus among European communication teachers, we are interested in your expert opinion on this curriculum. We ask for your support in the process. We would be very grateful if you would review one document. The review will take you no more than 20 minutes of your time. By participating you can help shape a consensus that can help guide communication teachers throughout Europe in developing and refining their communication curriculum. We would acknowledge your participation in any publications related to this consensus statement.
Can you please review a document and provide your ratings and comments about the objectives and then return it by the 10th of June to Cadja Bachmann at c.bachmann@uke.uni-hamburg.de
The core curriculum group of tEACH
Dr. C.Bachmann, Prof. H. Abramovitch, Dr. C.G. Barbu, Dr. A. Cavaco, Dr. C. Dago Elorza, Prof. R. Haak, Dr. E. Loureiro, L. Minea, Dr A. Ratajska, S. Winterbur
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